Timothy Carpenter hails from the Waikato, New Zealand and is quickly becoming one of the country's most active and sought-after conductors and musical directors.
Timothy has studied conducting with Wyn Davies, Karen Grylls, Uwe Grodd, Rupert D’Cruze, Christopher Seaman, Tecwyn Evans and has gained his Masters of Music in conducting with first-class honours from the University of Auckland. He holds a Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music in Cello with Distinction, a Bachelor of Music from the University of Waikato and an Honours degree in performance organ from the University of Auckland.
Up until recently he has been based in Hamilton, working as Director of Music at St Paul’s Collegiate, Music Director of Hamilton Civic Choir and Conductor of Youth Orchestra Waikato, as well as maintaining a busy schedule as freelance conductor and accompanist.
Now based in the United Kingdom, Timothy works at Ardingly College in West Sussex and as a freelance organist, accompanist and conductor.
Visit Timothy's web site here.